Thursday 5 February 2015

Quality of radio links

There is also that the number of exhibitors models jumps is more important than realistic models because component in reducing exhibitors models significantly and recharge api provider uniformly area communications nodes.

For realistic models the communication area depends on the position of nodes from obstacles. The good links quality provided by the MIMO system relative to SISO system (Table) reduces the number of jumps necessary means to issue video packets.

It is found that the curves representing the average time for receiving packets video, not shown here for lack of space, are similar to those of Figurebecause roads search time and the time to deliver the packets is proportional to number of jumps.

For the model with exponent, we see a large increase in the number of entries received between andnodes in the network, but to the detriment the number of hops and transmission time.

Along With onlyknots the communication area with these models do not allow nodes issuing videos, however, atthe network becomes denser and routing protocol relay nodes to find forward the video to recharge api provider the destination.

Beyond these parameters nodes become more stable. There Figureshows the percentage of video received by relative to the recharge api provider movement speed.

For models empirical, the number of received video recharge api provider is slightly affected by node mobility, while this in For a realistic channel mobility decreases significantly the number of received videos. Due to the values Important to the Doppler frequency.

From this study it can be concluded that a MIMO system warranty better QoS in the network with respect to a SISO system. In this paper we evaluated the impact of a realistic physical layer on the video transmission H.

AVC in dense urban environments. layer proposed combines physical recharge api provider propagation model realistic, called CRT, with a model error assess the quality of radio links.

On one hand, CRT takes into account all environmental characteristics and provides all the information related to a multi-channel paths. On the other hand, the error model is based on the BER criterion for assessing the quality of finely SISO and MIMO links to the standards respectively.

Linked to the degradation

The quality of service is measured by the four following metrics: the percentage of received video, the PSNR means the average number of jumps and recharge api provider time means for transmitting the video packets.

For all results presented below, the rate isMb/ s. Figureillustrates the routes used in the communication nodesandin green and blue respectively along the model space and CRT (SISO).

In the second case the choice of the route then depends on the specifics of the environment: road bypasses buildings. In Tablewe give the distribution of values of BER links Munich environment according to then.

We find that the spatial diversity allows improve the quality of recharge api provider the links in the network. Thus, a rate ofMb/s links with the percentage of BER less than.

Is much more important for a MIMO configuration for a SISO configuration. In our study, we also specifies that the PSNR minimum obtained for the received video isdB, which is a good visual quality. Thus, it can consider a received video as a video good visual quality.

Figureshows the percentage of videos received overcouples sourcedestination depending on the number of nodes. in recharge api provider Using a model in free space is found that, regardless of the number of nodes, more than% videos are received.

Whereas the other propagation models the number of recharge api provider received video increases with the density of the network. This figure shows also that the taking into account of the environment (models with CRT).

Significantly reduces the number of recharge api provider received. Video because even if the density of network is high( knots) barriers in the environment and the phenomenon of multipath degrade the quality of the radio links.

In addition, the system MIMO, as shown in Table, improves the quality of links and the number of videos is received greater on a MIMO configuration on SISO configuration. Figureshows the number of means jumping video packets received against the number of nodes.

For the model in free space, hop count remains low and constant whatever the number of nodes. This is due to the area of important communication( m) obtained by the model in free space, so all nodes communicate through more than two jumps.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Non covered areas

The transmission system used at the physical layer of the standards consists of several blocks namely a code error correction, and modulating a entrlaceur digital. In addition, estimates of techniques channel and the OFDM modulation are used to face at the time selectivity and respectively frequency of the channel.

The standard incorporates spatial diversity (MIMO) to improve the robustness or flow to the quality of the link... a and. Were fully recharge api provider implemented validated and incorporated in NS.

The coefficients of the multipath channel are provided by the impulse response CRT calculated complex. As to the selectivity time, it is added to these coefficients according to the associated Doppler spectrum.

Ultimately white noise Gaussian is added to the channel coefficients model the different sources of noise. Thus it obtains channel coefficients which take into account all the characteristics of a real environment. The simulations are carried out under the simulator NS- networks.

Figureillustrates the position of the recharge api provider nodes in Munich. A realistic mobility model allows terminals to move avoiding obstacles with maximum speeds ranging betweenand m/ s.

In the case of mobility the number of nodes is set at. The simulation parameters used each layer are shown below: Application layer: The video support is sequence "Foreman" in QCIF( pixels/ image).

A sequence offrames of the video is encoded atframes/ s with the extended profile video encoder H. AVC. The size of the GOP (Group Of Pictures) isand the average PSNR of the recharge api provider video before transmission is equal to.

Layer Routing: Routing in the network is provided by the AODV protocol (Ad Hoc On Demand Distance Vector). Physical layer: Parameter transmission (power and transmission frequency, sensitivity thresholds) have been set according to standard.

They remain the same in the. Standard the difference that one uses a×MIMO system (two transmit antennas and two reception) in favoring robustness (Alamouti encoder). Use consider three propagation models: two models empirical (space and exhibitor), and a model realistic (CRT) with and without spatial diversity.

For the model exponent is varied parameter that depends on the environment propagation. To recharge api provider model an urban environment dense as Munich, using two values. And.

Due to two main reasons

In order to improve the reliability of transmission stream H. AVC over wireless channels more tools robustness have been incorporated in the standard. Firstly, the header information representative key when decoding is arranged in structure specific.

This treatment reduces considerably caused decoding errors mainly by the loss of headers. Moreover, in a transmission environment, the error probability is directly linked to the packet size: the larger the package is long over its probability of error is important.

In to reduce the packet loss recharge api provider rate, the standard H. AVC partitions the packets several souspaquets less vulnerable to errors and independently decodable.

Furthermore, this decoding independence allows both to improve allow a lead time and operate these sub-packages in any order of arrival. In this paper is used comprehensive profile of the three profiles specified in the H. AVC standard.

The extended profile is the suitable for recharge api provider wireless transmission applications because it includes all the specifics of the robustness errors defined in H/AVC.

Each image is transported via two packets, the loss of these two packets involves the loss of the associated image. When an image is lost to a simple mechanism restoration is applied to the decoding for replace that image with the previous image.

The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) is used herein as objective criteria for assessing the quality recharge api provider of the received video. Our realistic transmission system implemented at level of the physical layer is based on a model of semi-deterministic.

Propagation called CRT (Communication Trace Rays) and the criterion BER for assessing the quality of radio links in the network. The CRT uses the propagation model ray tracing method to determine all possible recharge api provider paths between the source and the destination.

More CRT takes into account all the specifics (geometric and electrical) related to an environment real and provides the average received power and information of each path ie the phase, amplitude.

Delay and polarization (answer impultionnelle complex). The BER is recharge api provider calculated according . And. N to assess respectively the quality of a link SISO (Single Input Single Output) and MIMO.

First is moving nodes recharge

This phenomenon is called propagation multi paths. To overcome this drawback and Stepanov al have built-in a propagation model deterministic in NS-, but they use the model error based on the threshold for evaluating the quality of radio links.

The second drawback is the use power as a criterion for assessing the quality a radio recharge api provider link. The power requirement does not take into account the disturbance of a mobile radio channel: time and frequency selectivity of a radio channel and various environmental noises.

In addition, the received power alone can not assess the quality a link MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) where description of the environment to a great impact on the quality of a radio link.

Finally, to our knowledge, it is not really light in recent studies behavior of the transmission channel based on characteristics of the environment in the transmission video stream recharge api provider on Ad Hoc networks. This is what we we propose to deal with in this article.

This paper is structured in five parts. In Sectionwe present the principles of the compression standard H./ AVC as well as methods of robustness associated errors. Realistic physical layer is described in Section.

In recharge api provider Sectionwe present the context of simulation and results obtained. We end this paper by a conclusion. The compression standard H.

AVC video was developed jointly between the group VCEG (Video Coding Expert Group) of ITU-T and the group MPEG ISO under the JVT project (Join Video Team).

This new compression standard video is for many types of applications, especially for transmission applications multimedia data over wireless channel and broadcast by radio waves. AVC is composed of two main layers, namely, the coding layer Video (VCL) and network abstraction layer (NAL).

This description in layers allows it to provide great flexibility of use. Except some new features, the principle of VCL layer remains similar to that of standards previous such as MPEG- and H..

Thus, these New features allow to improve its performance and surpass those of H. and MPEG in terms of compression efficiency. As for the NAL layer, it formats the presentation recharge api provider of the flux from the VCL headers and integrates information for improved delivery by the transport layer.

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Content of the information

Reduce complexity Optimization of information processes Gifted automation The use of barriers Dim the adverse effects of the change To reduce complexity must consider the number of steps in the task, the number of choices.

Duration of assignment, the occurrence of intrusive disruptive tasks. The complexity is also reduced by eliminating the delay and the occurrence of failure information er.

By optimizing information processes means to reduce dependence on human memory, and maintain short-term memory to the essential tasks where it is needed.

Check-lists and other memory support are basic requirements for a secure system, and design considerations of information artefacts ex colour coding, sizes, etc.

Is of When you choose to automate processes need to be aware of 1 not automate because it is technically possible, but only if it serves the overall objective, 2 the technology must complement.

And not replace human action and 3 identify and reduce the new cognitive technologies requirements, not least by the bustle or other critical situation er.56 The use of barriers is one of the safest ways to reduce the risk of error.

Barriers can be divided into three types. Physical barriers, where the equipment is designed so that errors are not committed, procedure related barriers, where the possibility of committing errors is hampered, and finally cultural barriers.

How dangerous or unsafe behaviour is considered unacceptable and will be met by strong. For new systems, there is a risk of introducing new unintended risks.

In the introductory phase, the risk of error increase until clinicians have become comfortable with the use of the system. To reduce this risk must be taken to foresee how the risk will occur and mitigate the effect of education and make plans to collect unforeseen.

With other agents

Strategy comprehensive service provider This model is a combination of the previous two being the leadership divided between the agents (operators, suppliers, content providers).

Where the operator before the technological advancement of the IP world, aims to offer its customers a comprehensive and attractive content, services and applications in collaboration, but without restricting access to alternative suppliers offer.

So the user keeps their freedom remain the operator your first choice of access to mobile data services. In most developed countries, it seems likely that at the latest in a decade of television broadcasting networks.

Whether recharge api free cable, satellite or over the air terrestrial, will be completely digital. In all systems, there is latent potential for mistakes, and if work organization does not take into account the errors and adverse events occur.

Addition, new systems recognize the human factor, in that we humans have some recharge api free strengths and weaknesses that impact on our tasks, and errors will happen.

The systems must also incorporate barriers and decision support so that the error lapses, tie and mistakes that people make, does not result in harm to patients.

Similarly, the system must have restrictions that minimize recharge api free risk of infringement of the rule's violation. Concepts are detailed on p. 53ff.

The number of work steps in the prescribing process. The recharge api free most effective way to avoid mistakes is to simplify or reduce the number of steps in work flows: If there are 25 steps in a process and every step is full stubbornly flawlessly and correct in 99% of cases, there will be errors in 22% of the processes.

Much possibility is that the barriers and control mechanisms contained in the system is able to prevent harm to patients. Principles for amendments of systems Methods for improving safety falls according to Nolan within five categories.

Quality of service

Improving the along with a progressive reduction in prices and flat rate access is leading the operator to become mere connectivity provider where the user consumes bandwidth to access content and services that are not under the control of operator.

The following figures show the number of official content is significantly lower than that of independent sites, of which not receive any income. This demonstrates well as strategy has evolved since the launch of mode to FOMA.

Moving from a model site where the operator controls the value chain and in which the presence of independent content is marginal, to a model provision of connectivity.

This evolution has been enforced in good part by technological progress and the growing supply of unofficial content, generating revenues primarily for access and not the services and contents, which for the moment is no guarantee profitability G.

The US operator has chosen recharge api free clear business strategy aimed at providing mobile connectivity, mainly through the cards for personal computers.

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Since the CDMA EVDO technology allows access speeds sufficient for most applications (and up to access depending on location) with the advantage implicit mobility.

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YahooNokia alliance Recently the Finnish manufacturer Nokia, the world market leader in mobile devices and the Internet portal Yahoo have reached an agreement whereby terminals will Nokia system on your icon Yahoo Internet.

This strategy leaves out the operators, who have no power to limit on the terminal market, as a clear response to the closed portal content models, demonstrating the interest of industry players have progressively open the value chain of mobile data services and provide content outside the operator portals....

Creation of overview

Here was insufficient access to information about the patients condition, such recharge api free as access to the results of laboratory tests associated with 18% of serious medication errors that were included in the study.

From the above discussion it can be deduced that is essential to make a correct synthesis of data. Without this overview, the error in the form of ties and lapses cause a defective or faulty data basis to decide on.

Errors happen also in the synthesis of data, usually in the form of mistakes, because in the synthesis concerned with putting a plan that is intended to lead to the correct dose cytotoxic agents; mistakes here promoted ex by the necessary support functions present information.

Competence, time and interruptions Our data collection shows that skills and experience according to doctor matters to overview and error prone. WarnichHansen and describes the collection and structuring of information based on the user experience.

Differences in experience into play at the level of consciousness involvement. Competence and experience is thus an easier and especially faster approach to carve out a structured overview. Or the doctor words.

We are of course aware that a lower skilled needs recharge api free more time to perform the same task Y110 In other words, requires their active awareness of the inexperienced doctor, which is also perceived as time consuming.

To avoid delays due. High time things can be rushed through, with increased risk of error. The inexperienced doctors talking about uncertainty in reaching around all data, and then, if they have made the correct synthesis of data. Doubt and uncertainty described as greatest at the start of employment, and time is higher.

These findings can be explained by WarnichHansen and interpretation of three levels: The junior doctor will be presented for unknown work, do not have an automated or rule based model for the data to be collected, or the weighting data must be compared to each other. With experience increases this ability to structure.

Since the launch of FOMA in Japan in October, ARPU obtained by G services has undergone many changes. Thus, after initially attract customers with high turnover, G ARPU decreased gradually to below G ARPU.

With improved G coverage in, the number of G customers DoCoMo began to grow exponentially, and surpassed that of G ARPU again. However, the aggregate ARPU continued to decline.

The launch of a flat rate in had a positive impact on ARPU. The reduction introduced by FOMA in the price data packet has not been offset by an increase in usage.

Reading of adverse

A study of describe that errors in prescribing may be limited by introducing systematic training of doctors in prescribing and prescription writing.

Barriers and controls Through interviews and the events associated with the cover of the issue, it was revealed that the doctors responsible for prescribing, have very different skills and qualifications to do the job.

Respondents in the survey between two weeks and more than 25 years experience in oncology, just as we in the adverse events were able to see that even medical students have had tasks to prescribe.

From the respondents, we have also been revealed that the ordination process are many check points and that there is a risk of forgetting these controls, since systems can not automate fashion support the process.

In principle, one can imagine that you must have a formulated and controlled level of competence before you can prescribe, but as we can see that medical students also have these tasks.

Even if it is not authorized under the clinics own guidelines did not realistic to believe that guidelines alone can ensure compliance with that principle.

It should therefore be in work organization and in the systems that support the work processes, take into account that the task of prescribing is handled by many doctors with many skill levels. There should be built into systems that are barriers and control functions at best eliminates opportunities.

Study of concludes that among doctors and medical students is the tendency to check, for example, drug information, allergies, kidney function values double dose rings.

Which supports the view that it is recharge api airtel not conducive to safety, if the check is individualized, taking the human factor will influence on the way the controls are implemented.

In a qualitative study, factors such as design of and their location on the department found as a reason for failure. Else describes how clinicians are oriented in records and laboratory results, to find the information they need, and how the data should be structured to help the clinician to this.

Doctors uses pattern recognition to make diagnoses and take. A clear understanding of the prescription process and what data is relevant to prescribe, is the basis for creating recharge api free a structured presentation of data to support the physician.

Missing or neglected test results were referred by recharge api free doctors as a source of error. A study conducted by identified sixteen 16 serious system error that can result in serious medication errors.

Predominantly on transcription

This particular problem is also mentioned by doctor C. In the book, Preventing Medication Error is described six major factors that affect the safety and quality of the prescribing process in which the two can be linked to it to create an overview in connection with the ordination.

Incomplete knowledge of the patient and the inconsistency between professionals involved in the medication process.38 p. 90 without the necessary information about the patients condition, and without systems that ensure that previous decisions on treatment are available for the risk of error present.

Besides the Journals general confusion is the supporting documents required to support process, are not sufficiently helpful for doctors in decision-making; here is the lack of both structuring and presentation that gives problems mentioned especially.

Around the dose modification schemes and forms are not updated and therefore do not have the details that are needed to help create a picture of the whole.

Decision support will be a valuable control mechanism and could promote appropriate and prevent inappropriate decisions. Review of 21 articles that relate to the value of decision support coupled to electronic patient medication systems, shows that it will reduce the occurrence of errors.

Thus, it should be the system and not the individual doctor there must have attention if the risk of error to be reduced. PPAS user The interviews describe doctors that errors related to the use of PPAS recharge api airtel may effect patients receive the correct.

Mostly you are positive about the system, but the types of errors that can occur in the application of the system, with the understanding defects characterized as both tie slips as lapses forgetfulness.

Slips recharge free coupons when, for instance, gets marked the wrong date, and lapses when, for instance, do not get clicked on Update button after entering the new weight.

Doctors also describes that mistakes will already be generated during the synthesis in the form of a wrong decision, and that possibly. Error requisitions will often reflect an earlier wrong decision, not a mistake when working with PPAS.

As in the case of types of errors that can be seen as falling within the human factor, it would be useful to explosive temper further into how the user interface and usability of PPAS can be improved to reduce the risk of errors. The present study does not hedge these conditions, and further studies are therefore necessary.

Documentation Errors that occur in recharge api airtel connection with the documentation, acting according to doctors errors between different documentation systems. These errors will be of the tie, in fault amortization, or lapses that you simply forget to document.

Many artefacts are in play in the documentation including prescriptions should be documented in the medical record and two electronic medication systems, and treatment schedules.

It is therefore reasonable recharge api airtel to think that the risk of error in transcription and documentation is recharge free coupons maximizing the number of sites/ artefacts to be used.

Interaction with the environment

Lack of documentation may present a risk of error on the next prescription. But also evidence in the form of poor readability of schemas, or memos forgotten or for putter in long notes affects the risk of errors.

In the previous, we have reviewed the themes we found through meaningful categorization and meaning condensation, and held this against the theory that illustrates recharge api airtel our findings. We wonder, however, about the following, we did not find in our data.

The senior doctors emphasized supervision as a tool to prevent errors. Younger recharge free coupons doctors sought not this. According to the number of steps in a work flow affect the risk of errors.

Why not? According Comes have inexperienced doctors often not enough knowledge about the complexity of describe that doctors recharge api airtel often use each other as sources of information.

The doctor recharge api airtel is expected to obtain the necessary knowledge. It is apparently not part of the doctors culture using a systematic training in prescribing.

Our study does not deal with supportive medication for but focus. The doctors were asked about other medication record, but none of them mentioned it as important to look at interactions beat preparations up etc.

This may be due to our focus purely on but can also be seen as a sign that doctors do not have focus. The doctors did not mention that the recharge api airtel medication of patients takes place in two completely independent systems.

There is no communication between PPAS and the electronic medication system that serves all other recharge api airtel medicine's registration. It seems obvious that two separate medicine systems promotes the risk of errors.

Perhaps the doctors said it is not because it is perceived as a condition you just have to live with for now. Future prospects may be to gather all the patients medical record and prescription in one system EPM, with the possibility of decision support to avoid drug duplication and interactions.

So far this has not been technically possible, and the recharge free coupons process is further stalled due. Region formation and the
overall problems getting together run the various counties and hospital medication systems.

Design to improve patient safety The central issue of doctors in relation to the prescribing of is to carve out the necessary overview in collect all the information that makes up recharge free coupons the whole.

And structure information so that it is possible for the doctor to make a synthesis and make a decision about which medication the patient should have. This process must be conducted in such recharge api airtel a way that the risk of making mistakes is minimized.

Promote pattern formation

The errors can arise in this context may include improper preparation, including taking into account interactions and allergies, wrong dose, wrong time of administration, confusion with patients.

Causes of error may be lack of updated schedules, difficulties involved in accessing data, incalculable record systems, complex treatment regimens and complex patient issues and human factors in.

The capacity for that overview to avoid errors is that the data made available to the doctor, is presented in such a way that the doctor avoids draw incorrect conclusions from data.

To create good a system that meets all these requirements, the challenge in the design of a new model of data structuring in connection.

Patient Safety Principles To promote safety for the patient, it is important to be aware of some key principles in patient safety areas: System Prospects and the human factor.

That is a recognition that when errors occur in connection recharge api airtel with it is not because doctors are not careful enough, but a result of the organization and the working conditions which doctors are subject.

Both mentions supervision as one of the necessary areas. The junior doctors recharge api airtel remained not directly to training or lack thereof in interviews.

Referring to WarmichHansen and could be the introduction of a systematic training in prescribing recharge api airtel promote routine data collection. To get the routine requires that the process be run enough times that it creates a pattern.

This pattern formation can be recharge free coupons helped by a certain way of doing things, so will a structure for data gathering recharge api airtel process and pattern recognition.

And thus free up mental resources for processes requiring deliberate concentration to make a decision, for example, the synthesis; conversely, a lack of structuring prevent the possibility of pattern formation and recharge free coupons recognition.

And thus the doctor will find it difficult to structure information and automate processes everything will appear to be important, and the ability to zoom in on recharge api airtel details and out again on the structure will be limited.

Tuesday 20 January 2015

Use many mental resources

Thus referring physician C to the importance of a structured work flow, asserting that have experience from another hospital to prescribe. Doctor C thus had experience and pattern recognition to drag on.

Even if the local requirements and artefacts were different from those he had been accustomed to working with, and could therefore work rule based.

The senior doctor describes the reverse of disruption and complexity is stimulating; complexity is not experienced as disturbing.

This can be from model interpreted to indicate that the consultant has a very high degree of routine and experience recharge api airtel in prescribing, and that a very large part of this ordination process will proceed as automated, structured processes.

New information or discrepancies will stimulate a more conscious process for a while. Interruptions will for the same reason perceived as disruptive for data collection and synthesis when working knowledge based.

On a declining scale rule based, skill based because the doctor here already to deal with recharge api airtel information and create and maintain an overview.

Interruptions in data collection makes you lose track here the error of lapses type be frequent, is if the doctor interrupted in the middle of the control of blood, and thus do not reach them all through.

Here it is easy to imagine the doctor deems it is done with this control, and thus might overlook a response. Also, tie is possible because the concentration fails due.

Of the disruption, which recharge free coupons can lead to fejlhåndteringer47 p.92. Error in the synthesis will often be of mistakes type.

Other authors have described competences impact on the resulting errors. Lear et recharge free coupons al.

Found that doctors in the first year after graduation had a higher failure rate in recharge api airtel prescribing than other physicians 4.01 per 1,000 prescriptions, compared with an average of 3.13 per 1,000 prescriptions. Competence is important for the time spent.

There are restrictions built into possible time because the doctor has 2030 minutes for each patient. In this schedule is not taken into account the doctors level of competence.

Interruptions have different meaning and consequence for the doctor, depending on level of competence. The inexperienced doctor will often experience the pressure of time constraints recharge api airtel and interruptions than the experienced physician.

Supervision and instructions The senior doctor's watchman both training and supervision as key elements in reducing the risk of error, while recognizing that this training and supervision are inadequate, and that junior doctors are put to prescribe without proper training.

Tuesday 13 January 2015

The main causes

Unwanted side effects It is important that in the development recharge api provider of the system in equally incorporate how doctors to work when/ if the system breaks down for longer or shorter time.

These emergency systems must be future proof, so that they do not expect that the doctor can use the old schedules and dose modification schemes, but guides the physician through the process.

In such a way that the safety of the patient is maintained maximum, but also makes it easy to get the data is generated when the system is not in operation, transferred to the system when the system is functioning again.

Other side effects must be identified, for example, through a recharge api provider Failure Mode and Effect Analysis source of error analysis 39, and it is necessary to detect adverse events that occur as a result of the new system.

Conclusion The data interviews with five doctors are not sufficient to draw conclusions as to why patients do not get prescribed the correct. The statements from respondents suggest that errors in prescribing process happens largely in connection with the data collection process.

In this work flow is one of errors that it is difficult to recharge api provider create an overview of the information that should be considered, including because data are not presented in an appropriate manner.

Insufficient skills also seemed to have an impact on the risk that there is an error in the prescribing process Moreover, we believe that the data suggest that the current system does not adequately take into account the human factor and the fact that people make mistakes.

Ordination process involves many steps and unsafe work processes, and control recharge api provider mechanisms based on human memory. The potential for reducing the risk that the patient does not have prescribed the wrong requires further study and development work that requires the involvement of all stakeholders as appropriate.

Noland five principles for the development of systems to improve patient safety will be a good basis for the development work to be done before the safety of patients through a health informatics system can be developed, tested and implemented.

Further work The above catalogue in design to improve patient safety is a description of the opportunities and requirements to provide for a system that will support physicians the opportunity to get an overview.

There are many other possibilities and variations, and an actual requirement specifications for such systems to be developed in close contact with the future users, in an iterative and incremental process.

Process also involves

Some data is transferred automatically, others must be manually transferred and in other cases the doctor via active action access to information. The system provides easy access to all relevant systems, or supports the physician in finding information as appropriate.

This would partly reduce the number of steps in the work flow, reducing the appearance of lack of information and save time Optimization of information processes.

The system will supply screens that can serve as check-lists for the part of the data collection that can not be generated automatically via other electronic systems. Figure9 Draft use case diagram for the overall use case.

Create an overview of information about the patient. In addition, the system behaves as a memory aid system where the reflection and surprise data can be marked this in order to support the doctors' memory.

Endowed automation Besides the previously mentioned transfer of information from other electronic system's system similarly as PPAS can today act as calculator when dose should be calculated.

This calculation may not be fully automated, since it is not desirable that the doctor is not on the way out professionally assess the wisdom of the calculations.

Besides objective clinical parameters is more elusive factors such as patient compliance, motivation and general physical and cognitive condition also of significance for treatment.

It is therefore necessary that the prescribing the physicians professional judgement. Barriers To the extent possible, must be incorporated decision support and physical barriers that prevent doses of cytotoxic agents in an amount such that the patient life and health can be threatened.

The ability to circumvent these barriers must of course be present for specific cases, but must be designed in such a way that it requires a very active effort to implement the ordination for example, by another senior doctor electronic.

Alerted and asked to accept prescriptions that lies beyond the limit, which is defined as the maximum dose. These levels must be determined from the protocols and information about side effects and central para clinical studies of ex renal function.

Barriers would also have to be incorporated in the system, but it is important to note that the number of warnings or barriers do not so frequently that occurs fatigue and therefore ignored.

The cultural barriers will in the implementation act of building a culture in the organization where the use of other systems ex paper will be perceived as improper and unprofessional. This culture will only be built if the doctors have an understanding of the necessity and experience short-term and long-term gains.

Objective medical examination

Is of When you choose to automate processes need to be aware of 1 not automate because it is technically possible, but only if it serves the overall objective, 2 the technology must complement and not replace human action and 3 identify and reduce.

The new cognitive technologies requirements, not least by the bustle or other critical situation er.56 The use of barriers is one of the safest ways to reduce the risk of error. Barriers can be divided into three types.

Physical barriers, where the equipment is designed so that errors are not committed, procedure related barriers, where the possibility of committing errors is hampered, and finally cultural barriers.

How dangerous or unsafe behaviour is considered unacceptable and will be met by strong. For new systems, there is a risk of introducing new unintended risks. In the introductory phase.

The risk of error increase until clinicians have become comfortable with the use of the system. To reduce this risk must be taken to foresee how the risk will occur and mitigate the effect of education and make plans to collect unforeseen.

Data collection and creating overview Based on the Nolan principles for reducing errors, we will draw a picture of how the prescription process with particular focus on the possibilities of creating an overview of all the information.

Can improve the safety of the patient by developing or introducing a new health informatics system. The use case for creating an overview of information about the patient prior to a prescription include the following actors.

Doctor Supervisor at senior doctor Standard treatment regimens and protocols instructions for treatment with CTC criteria scoring criteria for the assessment of toxicity.

The patient subjective symptoms and laboratory Systems blood tests Ray Information System radiography Electronic Patient Medication documentation of medication other than PPAS formerly.

Journal Information treatment plans and justifications, and ordinations and completed treatments, etc. The information from these players must be collected in such a way that the doctor can create an overview.

The following is a proposal for the use case where the overall goal is to create collect, categorize and present information in such a way that the physician is able to make a decision on without error.

See Figure9 page. 71 reduce complexity In the use case must complexity of the current system with more than a dozen artefacts significantly improved by all existing systems feeds data into a system.