Wednesday 21 January 2015

Quality of service

Improving the along with a progressive reduction in prices and flat rate access is leading the operator to become mere connectivity provider where the user consumes bandwidth to access content and services that are not under the control of operator.

The following figures show the number of official content is significantly lower than that of independent sites, of which not receive any income. This demonstrates well as strategy has evolved since the launch of mode to FOMA.

Moving from a model site where the operator controls the value chain and in which the presence of independent content is marginal, to a model provision of connectivity.

This evolution has been enforced in good part by technological progress and the growing supply of unofficial content, generating revenues primarily for access and not the services and contents, which for the moment is no guarantee profitability G.

The US operator has chosen recharge api free clear business strategy aimed at providing mobile connectivity, mainly through the cards for personal computers.

Right now offer flat rate unlimited download is $, to which the user must add the purchase price of the card. This bet is also a clear competition with fixed operators.

Since the CDMA EVDO technology allows access speeds sufficient for most applications (and up to access depending on location) with the advantage implicit mobility.

Thus, Version has chosen to extend the mobile business model based on fixed connectivity, adapting their business to the process of technological convergence.

YahooNokia alliance Recently the Finnish manufacturer Nokia, the world market leader in mobile devices and the Internet portal Yahoo have reached an agreement whereby terminals will Nokia system on your icon Yahoo Internet.

This strategy leaves out the operators, who have no power to limit on the terminal market, as a clear response to the closed portal content models, demonstrating the interest of industry players have progressively open the value chain of mobile data services and provide content outside the operator portals....

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