Wednesday 21 January 2015

Interaction with the environment

Lack of documentation may present a risk of error on the next prescription. But also evidence in the form of poor readability of schemas, or memos forgotten or for putter in long notes affects the risk of errors.

In the previous, we have reviewed the themes we found through meaningful categorization and meaning condensation, and held this against the theory that illustrates recharge api airtel our findings. We wonder, however, about the following, we did not find in our data.

The senior doctors emphasized supervision as a tool to prevent errors. Younger recharge free coupons doctors sought not this. According to the number of steps in a work flow affect the risk of errors.

Why not? According Comes have inexperienced doctors often not enough knowledge about the complexity of describe that doctors recharge api airtel often use each other as sources of information.

The doctor recharge api airtel is expected to obtain the necessary knowledge. It is apparently not part of the doctors culture using a systematic training in prescribing.

Our study does not deal with supportive medication for but focus. The doctors were asked about other medication record, but none of them mentioned it as important to look at interactions beat preparations up etc.

This may be due to our focus purely on but can also be seen as a sign that doctors do not have focus. The doctors did not mention that the recharge api airtel medication of patients takes place in two completely independent systems.

There is no communication between PPAS and the electronic medication system that serves all other recharge api airtel medicine's registration. It seems obvious that two separate medicine systems promotes the risk of errors.

Perhaps the doctors said it is not because it is perceived as a condition you just have to live with for now. Future prospects may be to gather all the patients medical record and prescription in one system EPM, with the possibility of decision support to avoid drug duplication and interactions.

So far this has not been technically possible, and the recharge free coupons process is further stalled due. Region formation and the
overall problems getting together run the various counties and hospital medication systems.

Design to improve patient safety The central issue of doctors in relation to the prescribing of is to carve out the necessary overview in collect all the information that makes up recharge free coupons the whole.

And structure information so that it is possible for the doctor to make a synthesis and make a decision about which medication the patient should have. This process must be conducted in such recharge api airtel a way that the risk of making mistakes is minimized.

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