Thursday, 5 February 2015

Linked to the degradation

The quality of service is measured by the four following metrics: the percentage of received video, the PSNR means the average number of jumps and recharge api provider time means for transmitting the video packets.

For all results presented below, the rate isMb/ s. Figureillustrates the routes used in the communication nodesandin green and blue respectively along the model space and CRT (SISO).

In the second case the choice of the route then depends on the specifics of the environment: road bypasses buildings. In Tablewe give the distribution of values of BER links Munich environment according to then.

We find that the spatial diversity allows improve the quality of recharge api provider the links in the network. Thus, a rate ofMb/s links with the percentage of BER less than.

Is much more important for a MIMO configuration for a SISO configuration. In our study, we also specifies that the PSNR minimum obtained for the received video isdB, which is a good visual quality. Thus, it can consider a received video as a video good visual quality.

Figureshows the percentage of videos received overcouples sourcedestination depending on the number of nodes. in recharge api provider Using a model in free space is found that, regardless of the number of nodes, more than% videos are received.

Whereas the other propagation models the number of recharge api provider received video increases with the density of the network. This figure shows also that the taking into account of the environment (models with CRT).

Significantly reduces the number of recharge api provider received. Video because even if the density of network is high( knots) barriers in the environment and the phenomenon of multipath degrade the quality of the radio links.

In addition, the system MIMO, as shown in Table, improves the quality of links and the number of videos is received greater on a MIMO configuration on SISO configuration. Figureshows the number of means jumping video packets received against the number of nodes.

For the model in free space, hop count remains low and constant whatever the number of nodes. This is due to the area of important communication( m) obtained by the model in free space, so all nodes communicate through more than two jumps.

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